pool of siloam healing ministry, iNC
Posh-M was created to lead people to become full followers of Christ. We are fully committed to the mission of transforming lives, driven by a passion to provide ministry in our community in the name of our Savour Jesus Christ.
Jesus is our message
We believe Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity and is the eternal Son of God. He is the only mediator between God and humanity. In Him “dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9 NKJV) and He is “overall, the eternally blessed God” (Romans 9:5 NKJV).
people are our heart
We believe God originally created human beings in His own image, and Adam and Eve were created in perfection. All humans are sinners. The only remedy for sin is personal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, apart from human merit and works.
Generosity is our privilege
Give Here. your generosity makes it possible for us to…. Feed individuals & Families in need.We don’t give because we have to but because we want to. We believe in the Biblical principle of tithing. In Malachi 3:10 (NKJV) the Bible talks about bringing the first 10% (tithe) of your income into the storehouse (church).
Honor is our calling
Regardless of where God calls you to serve, know you are serving where God needs you so that others can be impacted greatly by the grace and mercy of God. Paul tells us if we are going to be faithful we must GUARD or WATCH OVER what has been given to us. Uncover your talents and gifts. Your inborn talents and gifts fuel your true calling
“Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed.
Online streams
Christ, grow together, and impact others.We want you to know that God loves you, and has a plan for your life. No matter your background – current situation – where you’ve been – or what you’ve done — you belong .Our mission is to impact our world with the love and message of Jesus Christ – everyone, everyday, everywhere. Church is not just a building you walk into, but a family you can belong to.
Attend one of our upcoming Live Online Church services.
What people say
"I am Hilda Musee and I live in Maryland. I had been married for over six years without bearing a child , so in my despair, I went to church and rendered a "Hannah's prayer." to God. I prayed and begged God to bless me with a child the same way Hannah begged God in the book of 1st Samuel in the Holy Bible. I ignored everyone and everything around me in Church and communicated with God from the depth of my soul. God instructed me to collect some of the church Holy Water, take it to PASTOR KADIJA for her to pray and ask the blessed virgin Mary to intercede on my behalf. I did as God instructed and went to PASTOR KADIJA after mass. At this era, PASTOR KADIJA, who had been my best friend for over twenty years. was transitioning from Muslim Religion to christianity. She had been having visions and dreams of blessed viirgin Mary for many years and had been having her prayers answered through the intercession of blessed Mary. Upon hearing of my instruction from God, PASTOR KADIJA sat us at her Kitchen table with the church holy water and the holy Bible. She read some scriptures from her Bible, called on mother Mary to intercede and prayed FERVENTLY after praying PASTOR KADIJA handed me the holy water and told me to drink it all up, The water tasted unusually very bitter so I started to complain but she stopped me immediately reminded me that I took the church Holy Water to her and that she added nothing to it but prayers and concluded that it was the work of God. So I should not complain, rather finish drinking the holy water, I complied immediately. Although I had been disappointed in the past by having uterus fibroids removed and then being told by the doctor that I can proceed with child bearing but to no avail, being given fertility pills by another doctor but to no avail, by the end of the month that PASTOR KADIJA did the prayer I conceived my son ERIC and my daughter MIATTA the following year they are now 15 years and 14 years respectively.
Hilda Kowa-Musee, USA
"I'm Anita B, from the United Kingdom I just want to give my testimony to say that PASTOR KADIJA is a wonderful woman of God that God is using mightily and there are many times that she has given me prophecy concerning me and my family all the time when she gave me those prophecy. come to pass. One of them concerning my job I was going through serious matter with my job, I ended up in court with my job and she prophesied that you going to win that case, and this second one is for my son and my granddaughter she give a testimony concerning that your granddaughter will come back to you and that happened as well that come to pass and the other one I remember my husband have an accident before that accident she saw the vision, and as I call her I said this is what happened she prayed that I saw this one before time she gave me prophecy about that and that happened but we just give God the glory everything went well for my husband, He was safe and that came to pass, and there are many other ones that I can remember but I know that, She is a woman of God and he is using her mightily. Anytime she spoke to people about God. God will speak to her and prophecy it will come to pass so I thank God for having her in my life and I pray God we keep on using her for the glory of God in Jesus mighty name."
Anita Bangura, United Kingdom
Personal support
We believe that it is the privilege and duty of all believers to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ personally and by all methods in harmony with Holy Scripture. A Christ-centered education includes the ongoing integration of biblical faith into every discipline. All subject matter is to be approached, presented, and evaluated from a biblical worldview.We believe that salvation involves the redemption of the whole person and is offered as a gift to all who accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior by repentance and faith alone.
No matter where you are
No matter where you are No matter where you are, I'll be there. Right now, just praise God. Give Him your very best worship, for He is worthy. Determine that, win or lose, you are going to praise God, no matter what. No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here! .@ Posh-M
Church isn’t a building, it’s the people
The church you love at home and on the go. Stay up to date with what's happening at our Church and immediately access the church events, service schedules, contact info, and directions.
We help children with our application to love the Word of God,
BIBLE stories for kids
Our preschool program is fully integrated with the Bible for Kids so your kids can fall in love with Jesus in church and at home.